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We are...

Sonia Blanc Létard

(Español, Français, English, Català)

Eur. Ost. D.O. - M.R.O.E. nº 33

· Specialized in Pediatrics and Biodinamic Osteopathy
· 20+ years of experience and training

· >5000 patients

· Teaches Biodynamic Osteopathy

· Director of CITICS


I am from Barcelona and in 1993 I started to study a full-time osteopathy carreer in Paris (Centre Européen d’Etudes Supérieures d’Ostéopathie)

I finished my D.O. degree with a thesis about "Dislexia and learning problems" in collaboration with diferent logopedic therapists and specialized schools for children with learning disorders in Barcelona.

In 1998 I opened my first own therapeutic center (Centro de Osteopatía Still) which I directed during 8 years. During 4 years I was board-member of the "Registro de Osteopatas en España".

I have continuously enhanced my abilities through post-graduates and congresses.

I am highly specialized in pediatric treatment - from prebirth treatment for mothers as well as treatment for newborns, toddlers, children and adolescents. I treat dislexias, learning difficulties, hyperactivity, problems with orthodontia, among others...

Since 2017 I teach my own training, introducing therapists to the basics of biodynamic osteopathy.

Make an appointment with Sonia Blanc Létard

Ralf Dellen

(English, Español, Deutsch, Français, Català)

COFENAT nº socio: 11613

· Director of CITICS

· Coach & Therapist (Heilpraktiker Psychotherapy)

· Emotional & Transgenerational Kinesiology

· Systemic Constellation Facilitator

· Specialist for psychological abuse recovery and bullying prevention

· Specialist for life crisis coaching (midlife, divorce, job loss, anxiety, etc.) - Turn your crisis into a personal growth process!
· Executive MBA and 20+ years experience in int'l companies



After 20+ years working in different management positions in international companies and projects, I decided to continue to enhance my skills and know-how and dedicate myself directly to the development of other persons. I myself had to overcome many obstacles in life and went through many changes. Many times I faced situations where everything I tried to the best of my knowledge, did not bring the desired results. ...Until I discovered kinesiology and systemic constellations! All of a sudden, it became clear to me that when you want to change something in your life, in your partnership, in your work - you have to go to the unconscious emotions and beliefs that block you from reaching your goals. With Kinesiology you can access the root of your challenge in a quick, easy and safe way ...and resolve your issues! It is a passionate and insightful process that let's you enhance your perspective on yourself and others. It allows you to overcome and integrate your traumatic experiencies. You can turn your personal crisis into a personal growth process, unleash your full potential and obtain a greater inner balance and satifaction in life.

Make an appointment with Ralf Dellen

Mercedes Sanchez Bacigalupi

(Español, Català, English, Français, Portugues)

Osteopath C.O.

· specialised in traumatology with a focus on infants

· expert on scoliosis and posture treatment

· 18 years of practise as an osteopath

· trained in biodynamic osteopathy by Christian Sullivan

My desire to work in the health sector and to help persons to improve their health led me to study Physiotherapy at the U.A.B. of Barcelona where I graduated in 1994. I started to exercise in the field of traumatology with a special focus on children and adolescents with scoliosis and posture alterations. As well, I accompanied physiotherapy students as a tutor during their university practise for 6 years.

In 2002, with the birth of my first son I got discovered osteopathy as a patient which led me to decide that I wanted to become an osteopath and I graduated as such in 2008. Since then, I work exclusively as an osteopath in private consultancies. Osteopathy is an incredible tool to sustain and support the health of the patient, no matter if it is a new-born or a person of 90 years. It is very enriching for me to be able to contribute to a person's health in every stage of their lives. Osteopathy is preventive, sustaining and healing healthcare and since 2014 I enhanced my way of working with biodynamic osteopathy.

Make an appointment  with Mercedes Sanchez

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Axel Herrera
(Spanish, English)

  • Specialist in Fertility Treatment (women & men) and Pain Relief Treatment

  • Fisiotherapy - FCS Blanquerna, Barcelona

  • Acupuncture - Escuela de Medicina China Li Ping, Barcelona

  • Applied TAN & THUNG method for pain treatment

  • Neurological stimulation and adaptation to treat consequences of cerebral vascular accidents and infant cerebral paralisis

Axel grew up with parents who are both holistic therapists and he follows with enthousiasm his own therapeutic path, combining fisiotherapy with the application of tecniques from Traditional Chinese Medicine, such as Acupuncture and Moksa.

Make your appointment with Axel Herrera

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Marc Folch

(Spanish, English, Russian, Catalan)

  • Specialist in long-lasting sports injuries and Systemic Pain Relief Treatment

  • Osteopath D.O. - UAB (Barcelona) & training w/ Pierre Tricot (D.O.)

  • Physiotherapist and Posturologist - UAB & UB (Barcelona)

  • Responsible Physiotherapist for Ironman Competition in Cataluña

Marc's dedication was and is always focused on the specific ailments of his patients, especially sports injuries of professional competitors. He has a long reaching experience in in physiotherapy, osteopathy and posturology. He successfully treats sports injuries resulting from systemic lesions which cause cronic pain.

Make your appointment with Marc Folch

Catherine Hamilton

(English, Español)

With extensive professional training and varied therapeutic experience, I have a range of skills at my fingertips coupled with an intuitive sense that enables me to tailor each session to your exact needs. So, whether you need to relax and disconnect from day-to-day stresses or recuperate from injury – I can help.

I started my career as a massage therapist in 2002. I first trained in London obtaining a double diploma in therapeutic massage and anatomy and physiology. I furthered my skills and qualifications gaining a diploma in Sports and Injury massage where I learned a variety of techniques including trigger point work and myofascial release. I have completed further training and workshops in Deep Tissue massage and Pregnancy massage.

My extensive background includes a practice in London, resident therapist in one of Ibiza’s  most renowned yoga centres and leading therapist in luxury hotels including the Mandarin Oriental. Now, I live in  Barcelona and have been running my practice here for a number of years.

Make your appointment with Catherine Hamilton

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Marta Tarragona

(Spanish, Catalan, English, ...)

Marta helps improving the health of her patients since 2005 in many different ways - she treats allergies and intolerances (food, respiratory, skin) and adjusts the person's diet in order to reduce the impact of physical reactions to the intolerances. As well, she supports the person through a wider range of therapeutical tools to regain an equilibrium on a structural, nutritional, emotional, energetic and spiritual level.

Make your appointment with Marta Tarragona

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